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what is these docker tags mean (bullseye, slim, alpine, jammy)?

When first time seeing all this docker tag, i am very confused about what is these tag and which should i pick.
Here i write down some tag that i know.

Most of these tag represent different versions of linux such as debian, ubuntu, alpine.


Alpine is a extremely small size of linux that is only about 7 MB. You can see their about page here.

Debian and Ubuntu

Debian and Ubuntu use diff code name for diff os versions, you can see full code name here : Debian, Ubuntu

Debian code name

os version code name
11 bullseye
10 buster
9 stretch
8 jessie

slim (slimmer)

slim is a smaller size of Debian Linux, it removed some packages normally not necessary within containers.
It must come with one of debian release code like :bullseye-slim
You can see description in dockerhub
Size different here:

REPOSITORY   TAG             IMAGE ID       SIZE
debian       bullseye-slim   9f61210833de   80.5MB
debian       bullseye        5c8936e57a38   124MB

Ubuntu code name

os version code name
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS jammy
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS focal
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS bionic
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS xenial
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS trusty

rc (Release Candidates)

rc is a pre-release version that is not stable yet but close to release.

ltsc (Long Term Servicing Channel)

ltsc means stable version of windows server, you can see it on dotnet image