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How to mount minio bucket as linux folder

This post teach you how to mount a minio bucket as a folder.

  1. install s3fs-fuse
# install s3fs-fuse
apt install s3fs
s3fs --version
  1. mounting minio bucket

# "us-east-1" is minio default region

# perpare password file
echo ${ACCESS_KEY_ID}:${ACCESS_SECRET} > ${HOME}/.passwd-s3fs
chmod 600 ${HOME}/.passwd-s3fs

# ensure folder exists and empty
sudo mkdir -p ${MOUNT_FOLDER}

## try to mount, this will unmount when you press Ctrl+C
sudo s3fs ${BUCKET_NAME} ${MOUNT_FOLDER} \
  -o dbglevel=info -f -o curldbg \
  -o passwd_file=${HOME}/.passwd-s3fs \
  -o host=${MINIO_HOST} \
  -o endpoint=${ENDPOINT} \
  -o use_path_request_style \
  -o allow_other

# if mount successful, press Ctrl+C to exit

# backup fstab file
mkdir -p ${HOME}/backup
sudo cp /etc/fstab ${HOME}/backup/fstab

# append to fstab
echo "${BUCKET_NAME} ${MOUNT_FOLDER} fuse.s3fs _netdev,passwd_file=${HOME}/.passwd-s3fs,host=${MINIO_HOST},endpoint=${ENDPOINT},use_path_request_style,allow_other 0 0" | sudo tee --append /etc/fstab

# check fstab
sudo cat /etc/fstab

# apply updated fstab
sudo mount -a

# check mount status
sudo df -h | grep s3fs

# clearup command hsitory in this session
history -c
  1. other useful command option

  2. -o ssl_verify_hostname=0 (for https, disable hostname checking)

  3. -o no_check_certificate (for https, disable ca checking, usful when cert is self signed)
  4. -o connect_timeout=5
  5. -o logfile=/mnt/minio-buckets/s3fs.log
  6. -o passwd_file=/mnt/minio-buckets/.passwd-s3fs
  7. -o curldbg=normal

  8. unmount

## remove config in /etc/fstab
sudo vim /etc/fstab
## unmount folder
sudo umount "/mnt/minio-buckets/my-bucket"

Ref Docs